

Read more about YOGA with Biz

Restorative yoga class usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 3-4:25 p.m. and on the third Friday from 9:00-10:15 a.m. *Asterisk indicates schedule deviation. For information or…

Read more about Discovering Quakers

We sit in silence in Quaker meetings to listen for the promptings of our inner voice, which provides guidance in our lives. We find that the experiences we have during meetings can be…

Read more about Birmingham SURJ

Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is a national organization that brings hundreds of thousands of white people into fights for racial and economic justice. For too long, the Right…

Read more about Burdock Book Collective

Burdock Book Collective is a volunteer-run, intersectional feminist bookstore in Birmingham, AL that aims to cultivate radically inclusive community building and political organizing space and curate a selection of books…