December 2023 Second Hour Schedule Kids Snacks
12/3 Meeting for Business
12/10 Braver Angels interactive presentation by Kyle Crider & Steve Whitaker
Connie Connie
12/17 Peace & Justice, Emily: The efficacy of a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine when the “nation state” model has become obsolete.
- The Guardian: “The demise of the nation state – After decades of globalisation, our political system has become obsolete
- “Age of Migration: The Fiction of the Nation-State … the existence of refugees exposes the nation-state as a convenient fiction“
Jane H Jane H
12/24 Social Hour Nancy All
21/31 Bring a Resolution for BFM for 2024 to Share!
Rob Jane W
1/7/2024 Meeting for Business ____ Jane H
12/17 Clean House
12/20 (3rd Wed.) 7:00 pm Inreach/Outreach committee on Zoom (Darcy will send link)
1/3 M&N – 1/3 at 6:00 pm (virtual). (Last Wed before 1st Sunday) Mark will send Zoom link.